Editing conditions

Dear authors!
All submitted Your articles should be prepared in accordance with these requirements.

1. The recommended volume of materials:

  • from 5 (9000 characters, including space marks) typewritten pages
  • to 20 (40000 characters, including space marks) typewritten pages

Summary (description of goals and tasks of the conducted research, as well as the possibilities of its practical application) – no more than 100-150 words;

2. Materials are provided in the following form:

  • In Microsoft Office Word editor (.doc format)
  • Font “Times New Roman”
  • The body of the text – 14 pt
  • Line spacing is 1,5
  • Margins: upper and lower – 2,5 cm; left — 3 cm, right — 1,5 cm
  • Paragraph indention – 1,25

3. The arrangement (structure) of the text:

  • surname and initials of the author (bold, centered);
  • information about the author (academic title, academic degree, place of work / study);
  • article title (in capital letters, bold, centered);
  • abstract (description of the objectives and tasks of the conducted research as well as its practical application possibilities);
  • key words (3-5 words) in Russian and English languages;
  • the body of the article;
  • references (sources).

4. Requirements to footnotes

  • footnotes (literature) should be put inside the article in square brackets after the quote (first -specified number of the source, and then, after the decimal point — the page number; see an example of footnotes);
  • footnotes to several sources indicating the pages should be separated by a semicolon.

Examples of footnotes and references:

  • footnote to one literary source with pages [4,171].
  • footnotes to different literary sources with pages [7,58; 14, 10].

5. All graphics in article must be black and white.

6. If necessary, our specialists themselves translate the title, abstract and key words into English.

7. Requirements to references